The Best Country for Expats to Work: KSA Outperforms USA
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The Best Country for Expats to Work: Saudi Arabia Outperforms America and Ranks Second After Denmark



The Best Country for Expats to Work in: Saudi Arabia ranked 2nd best country for expatriates to work in this year's work abroad index.

The Best Country for Expats to Work: Saudi Arabia came in second place as the best country for expats to work in this year’s work abroad index, ahead of the UAE, America, Belgium, and the Netherlands.


Best Country for Expats to Work

An opinion poll on the best country for expats to work, with the results recently published and implemented by the “InterNations” platform.

The survey included several indicators, the most notable of which are:

  • Professional development index: Saudi Arabia came in the top of this index.
  • Wages and job security index: Saudi Arabia ranked second on this index.

As per the published poll, the following is the ranking of countries:

  • Denmark
  • Saudi Arabia
  • Belgium
  • The Netherlands
  • Luxembourg
  • The UAE
  • Australia
  • Mexico
  • Indonesia


The Happiest Foreigners in Denmark

Due to its ability to facilitate remote work, Denmark was able to lead the happiness index among its foreign employees, as evidenced by the survey’s 68% response rate.

82% per cent of respondents attributed their current level of satisfaction to a flexible corporate culture.

Approximately 75% of those surveyed are happy with their positions as foreign workers in Denmark.

However, as foreigners, they are less content with the security of their jobs.


Saudi Arabia and Other Countries

More than half of the participants said that Saudi Arabia’s labour market is favourable and helps foreigners advance their careers.

Belgium, which came in third place this year, is a significant improvement over its ranking of eleventh place the year before. This shows how seriously the nation takes supporting the working environment for foreign workers.

In the Middle East, the UAE came in second place, right behind Saudi Arabia, with a ranking of sixth.

Qatar followed it in 19th place and Oman in fourth place in the Middle East and 21st in the world.

In contrast, America saw a discernible downturn and came in at number 22, trailed by Britain and Germany.


Survey Details

The survey attracted 12,500 foreign-employed individuals as respondents.

Four categories comprised the evaluation:

  • Career Prospects: It keeps track of foreign workers’ employment prospects in the local economy.
  • Pay and Job Security: It tracks how much of a fair wage the expat gets, as well as how secure his employment is.
  • Work and Leisure: This category keeps track of how many hours an expat puts in at work and how he balances his daily schedule between work and living.
  • Job Satisfaction: It keeps track of opportunities for remote work, in addition to flexibility in terms of schedule and location.

As a result, Saudi Arabia stands out as a special location for foreigners searching for employment prospects in a nurturing atmosphere that offers both professional growth and job security.

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