- Head of firm who organises millionaires’ summer trips to London lifts lid on their extravagant lifestyles
- They pay £40,000 to have their cars flown over on a cargo plane with some going to Italy get cars re-sprayed
- Some spend weeks in £3,000-a-night hotel suites while others demand flats are redesigned to suit their tastes
- Many employ an army of staff including butlers, yacht crew and even guards to mind cars while they are shopping
Their souped-up supercars have become an annual feature on the streets of west London, when the ‘summer season’ is marked with million-pound Ferraris outside Harrods and Masaratis in front of the Dorchester hotel.
But aside from their love of fast cars and expensive boutiques, little is known about the lives of the incredibly rich Arabs who frequent the capital’s most exclusive districts every year.
But one of the men who helps organise the annual influx of the Middle East’s most wealthy has now lifted the lid on their eye-watering spending.

The Saudi owner of this £1million Porsche had a specialist team come to his central London hotel to clean it

Some of those who come to Britain pay £40,000-a-time to have their cars loaded on to a cargo plane

But while their owners enjoy the high-life in the capital’s best venues, their cars have become a tourist attraction in themselves

The five-star Dorchester Hotel overlooking Hyde Park hosts a number of millionaire Arabs during the summer

Young millionaires from the Middle East hit the capital’s upmarket western districts for the ‘summer season’