We are faced with many challenges, especially at the charitable and humanitarian levels. The needs are escalating and humanitarian disasters committed by man against his fellow man have become long and extended and their complications are constantly accumulating,
In addition, the social gap between the poor and the rich is increasing, placing a burden on humanitarian organisations to be more effective and innovative in trying to provide solutions to many of these challenges. To highlight this, Arabisk Magazine interviewed the Deputy Director of Qatar Charity, Mr. Fadi Itani.
Q:Kindly introduce your Charity to us and our valued readers:
A: First of all Thank you for this opportunity and greetings to you and to the entire team, and your dear readers, Qatar Charity – United Kingdom is an association officially registered with the United Kingdom Charity Commission since 2013 under No. 1146597, concerned with development and humanitarian action, committed to empowering the most disadvantaged people and groups in Britain and Europe.
We have extensive strategic partnerships with NGOs and various associations to implement joint programmes and activities that serve our goals and strategic areas. We aim to make a lasting and positive impact on European societies regardless of religion, race, gender and colour. We seek to promote community cooperation through a privileged partnership with national, regional and local associations in the following areas of work:
- Community cohesion
- Economic and educational empowerment
- Cultural communication
- Response to humanitarian disasters

Q: Mr. Fadi, as you know there are about one hundred and eighty thousand charity registered with the British Charity Commission in Britain. What difference does Qatar want to make in this field?
A: Qatar Charity – United Kingdom is part of Qatar’s charitable family around the world and has been operating in more than 40 countries in many charitable and humanitarian fields, and has benefited millions of people every year. In Britain, we seek in our activity to be qualitative, and aspire to be a bridge for philanthropists. The main aim of our presence in Britain is to serve the investors and firms which would like to contribute to the good and giving process and bring about positive change in the communities within Europe for the most disadvantaged people.
Q: But are companies and investors interacting with you?
A: We are at the beginning of the road and the first signs are encouraging, but we need time to see the outcome, because many people think that people in Britain and Europe do not need help because these are “rich and developed countries.” This observation may be correct at first glance, but the need is everywhere, but different in form and nature. It is important not to forget the fact that social gaps are growing causing problems and results are often not seen, so the nature of the human interference in these cases is different and takes a deeper role for change and assistance. The need here may not be food, drink or clothes, although this exists. What is called food distribution banks are all over Europe and Britain help many people in need. In addition to the presence of thousands of refugees who have arrived or are standing at the gates of Europe and need every help and assistance. Youth and women projects are the most important projects that require our attention and support.
Q: If the nature of the needs is more complicated, what is the solution?
A: Indeed, the needs are becoming more complex, and we need creative solutions, concerted efforts, cooperation and coordination between all the workers, the private sector, the public sector, charities and individuals. We will not succeed in overcoming social difficulties unless we work together and offer qualitative and effective solutions. Everything around us is changing, the technology has elevated the people lives into another dimension, now we can order taxi or food by mobile and as well as reserving flights, trains and so without talking to anyone, so the humanitarian workers responsibility to benefit from such changes to provide creative solutions and this will be only If we build bridges with all individuals from all sectors.
Q: Did these changes affect the nature of your work?
Certainly, we live in the same world and we can only interact and benefit from these changes to serve charitable and humanitarian work, and try to make our role in many projects vital, and more effective than a temporary intervention, and focus on the quality and not quantity, and impact of any project we do or We support, for example, a large number of projects of social centres that we have contributed in, has changed the way it works from the beginning, due to the important conditions that we impose, for instance, any project must have the element of support and continuity, and be open to the surrounding community and involve authorities and local bodies in the activities and programmes. One of our important projects is supporting and honouring individuals, whether students, teachers or institutions in the field of education.
Q: Your thoughts about the future?
A: The future is mysterious, but we have to work hard to get the best results, we are currently focusing on our work on two vital projects, the first is ‘the project of scientific support’ through which we will seek to support students who excel scientifically from poor backgrounds to complete their studies and enter the best universities. The Second is ‘Economic Strengthening Project’ in which we aim to encourage and support entrepreneurship projects in the field of social change. Both projects are under research and development. Through these two projects, we hope to cooperate with all those who have success in their studies, their work and their business to help us to create successful models similar to them in the scientific and practical fields.