Faisal Al-Ferdos is one of the most prominent young entrepreneurs who, in a short period, established a unique position for himself in the world of technology...
Ahmed Al-Rajhi is among the most well-known figures within the realm of development and success. Moreover, he has emerged as a prominent leader in Saudi Arabia....
Osama Al-Raee, a Saudi pioneer, was able to realise a major ambition that many people may not be able to achieve: he established a prominent entrepreneurial...
Nidal Jamjoom is a significant player in Saudi Arabia’s commercial and management circles. He served in senior roles and contributed to the creation of several business...
Abdullah bin Saleh bin Jum’ah Al-Dosari is the former president and CEO of Saudi Aramco and the president of Halliburton International. Abdallah Jum’ah Al-Dosari’s Biography...
Issa Al-Issa is a leading player in the Saudi banking industry. He was Chairman of Samba Financial Group’s Board of Directors and a member of the...
Lina bint Khaled bin Abdul Rahman Al Maeena is a notable Saudi businesswoman and athlete who serves on the Saudi Shura Council. Lina has set an...
Fahd Al-Rasheed is a well-known Saudi individual who is famous for his successful career and several leadership roles, the most recent of which he held as...
Razan Al-Azzouni followed a unique route that was linked to her dreams of being a successful fashion designer, a well-respected woman in Saudi Arabia, and a...
The Minister of Health of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Fahd bin Abdul Rahman Al-Jalajel, is a well-known figure in the country’s medical sector. Under his...