“Dragon Ball,” the first theme park in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, will be modelled after the well-known Japanese manga series. It will probably completely transform...
Diriyah Arena is the city of Diriyah’s latest project. This city was crucial in Saudi Arabia’s political history. It was the capital of the first Saudi...
Ghadah Alharthi is an academic and consultant from Saudi Arabia. She is an associate professor of culture and innovation at Central Saint Martins College, University of...
Turki Al-Sheikh, the head of the General Entertainment Authority in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, announced a new initiative involving him and Portuguese player Cristiano Ronaldo....
Fasting folks in Riyadh are seeking the best restaurants that will serve a tasty Ramadan Iftar in an ambience that symbolises the spirituality of the Holy...
Abdullah Al-Zamil is a Saudi businessman who has held many positions in several companies and is the CEO of Al-Zamil Industrial Investment Company. Abdullah Al-Zamil’s...
Amin Al-Nasser is a well-known businessman from Saudi Arabia who has a senior administrative position at Aramco, the country’s biggest energy firm. In 2015, he became...
To develop the Abha Valley in Asir, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia established the Ardara Company under Vision 2030, the country’s southernmost region. The Prime Minister,...
Orouba Park, which is thriving in the centre of Saudi Arabia, marks the start of a new era of sustainability and beauty. This enormous park, which...
The Riyadh Metro project has a price tag of billions of dollars. The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is trying to settle a disagreement with the contracting...