Prince Sultan bin Salman’s most recent book, “A Plane from History,” tells the tale of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia’s first aircraft and serves as a...
The “Trojena Project” notion was born out of the prospect of creating a snow-covered city that would mimic the chilly cities. Remarkably, NEOM is experiencing significant...
The Saudi Tourism Authority debuted the beta version of Sara AI: A smart travel guide robot prototype at the Spirit of Saudi Arabia pavilion during the...
According to Jean Linto, the Canadian ambassador to Saudi Arabia, several Canadian businesses across various industries, including those in the technology and infrastructure sectors, are expressing...
According to informed sources, Saudi Arabia plans to start a fresh artificial intelligence initiative with up to $100 billion in backing. The project would focus on...
One of the international stars introduced the Saudi designer Noura Sulaiman to the world of international design. Since her early childhood, Noura Sulaiman has shaped her...
Saudi Arabia has made remarkable strides in improving the business climate and has transformed into a globally recognised hub in the pursuit of a prosperous economic...
Certain specialisations have to outperform others in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia’s rapid expansion at all levels. Consequently, there are now more opportunities for high-paying jobs...
The second edition of Cityscape Global 2024 will take place at the Riyadh Exhibition and Convention Centre in Malham, north of the capital, from November 11...
The Public Investment Fund PIF of Saudi Arabia and Google Cloud have announced a strategic agreement to establish a new global AI centre in the Kingdom’s...