The unprecedented sanctions imposed by Western countries on Moscow and wealthy Russian businessmen associated with the Kremlin have led them to seek new havens for their...
The CIB — Egypt’s first and leading private bank — was invited to participate in a session titled ‘The Road to the COP 27’ as part...
The British Ambassador to the kingdom, Neil Crompton, announced that Saudi nationals would be “able to apply for a UK electronic visa waiver, starting from 1...
The ranking of Saudi universities jumped to 22 universities in the “Times” global ranking on the impact of higher education on the United Nations Sustainable Development...
Saudi companies selected in the S&P Food & Beverage Select Industry Index have gained 4.99 percent over the past three months. Saudi food production sector’s dollar-denominated...
The British daily (Financial Times) published an editorial earlier this month on a study proving that London is undoubtedly the world’s dirty money capital. The report...
Forbes’ 36th Annual World’s Billionaires List was on April 5th. 2,668 billionaires, including 21 Arab billionaires from the Middle East. Many non-Arab billionaires live in the...
Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg wants to make it easier for people to spend and make money on the virtual reality platform Horizon Worlds, which is a...
The late businessman founded the group “Easa Saleh Al Gur Group” and served as Chairman of its Board of Directors between 1960 and 2022. He also...
Minister of Public Business Sector Hisham Rawfiq discussed with British Ambassador in Cairo Gareth Bailey and his accompanying delegation ways to enhance economic cooperation between the...